Is High Quality Software Worth the Cost? By Martin Fowler

I don’t like using term “fan”, however I do read Martin Fowler’s posts and tend to agree with him a lot. His recent post brought feeling of familiarity and a bit of pain. I would like to share it with anyone who is doing software development.

PDF version

I hope you will find it useful.

N26 coding exercise

A while back, I worked on N26 coding exercise and found the problem quite entertaining. Figured to share it:

N26 coding exercise

Correct, with minor test comments (should not use Thread.sleep(…)) and not entirely efficient but clean and 100% test driven solution can be found here and backup: here.

I think this exercise worth while, do it just for fun and giggles :)

Awesome TDD & Agile posters

Last week, at last, my little work related side project came to successful end. Together with an awesome in-house graphics designer, we finalized series of inspirational posters. I would like to share it and hope those posters will bring smiles and joy to any software development environment. You can print it and hang it all over your work space.


Links to full size files:

3 Laws of TDD: PDF | TIF

Uncle Bob – Test Driven Development: PDF | TIF

Agile Manifesto: PDF | TIF


Hammock Driven Development

Recently I came across an interesting philosophy and would like to share it:

A lot of times we (as developers) work on delivering features, however behind every feature is underlying problem to be solved. Why not take time and think it out?

Anyways enjoy the video, I hope it will prove to be useful.

Book reference: How to solve it

Introduction to Object Oriented Patterns [Presentation]

Some time ago I’ve done small presentation: “Introduction to Object Oriented Patterns” and totally forgot about it. Today I found it and decided to publish it, just in case someone finds it useful!!!


If you have any question or suggestions, please let me know.


Introduction To Object Oriented Patterns [PowerPoint]

Introduction To Object Oriented Patterns [PDF]

Стратегии для тестирования

Пару дней назад нашел отличный слайдшоу на тему тестирования микро-сервисов. Прочитав я воодушевился и советую всем кому интересно прочитать.


Успехов и хорошего тестирования.